Resilient Women in STEM Are Changing the Industry for Good

Today, let’s talk about resilience in the “Boy’s Club”–yeah, I’m looking at you STEM (science, tech, engineering, and mathematics.) 

Women have been playing catch-up in the workplace for centuries. We’ve grappled with pay disparity, unconscious biases, harassment, discrimination…And let’s not forget unsolicited “advice” or input from male counterparts or obnoxious mansplaining that’s like listening to nails on a chalkboard–you just want that noise to end. 

Yet, being the resilient women rockstars we are, women have continued to advance up corporate ladders and across male-dominated, testosterone-infused industries (STEM, construction, energy, etc.). Among those in the STEM arena, there’s been a visible and noticeable shift. In the past 5 years, the percentage of women represented in tech increased by nearly 3% Finally, the new smell isn’t 100% B.O. or B.S. (I kid, I kid.)

If you want a very real (and somewhat bleak) picture of women in tech check out these 2023 statistics. Or, as a quick and dirty rundown: Globally, women represent 28% of the board of directors in the information and technology sector, as of 2021 (and that’s up from 21% in 2020). As of 2023, women represent 14% of U.S. engineering (15% globally) and 10.9% of U.S. construction

Let’s be real. It’s not 50%, not even close.  But the trend is pointing upward and I like to focus on what’s working. Every percentage point points towards progress. However, we can’t just overlook the daily challenges women in STEM face because we are excited by inching upwards. Consider this example.

Enter stage right: Susan, a software developer.

Susan is the lone she-wolf in the den with a bunch of tech bros. She throws out brilliant ideas inside brainstorming sessions, but they’re caught in a net of unconscious bias which means those genius suggestions might get benched or swiped (as in, appropriated by her male colleagues). The end result of all her effort? Feeling outside of the cool kid’s club, questioning her self-worth, and feeling like an imposter.

Who can Susan vent to or go to to get a reboot in courage and confidence? Without enough women in leadership roles, there’s not a mentor in sight. And as if things could get any worse, think unequal paychecks, skipped over for promotions, or facing icky moments around the water cooler…Well, you get the picture. 

I could sit here and keep going down that tunnel, but there’s no cheese down that tunnel. I want to focus on how the picture has shifted and changed because it has. It may be subtle but progress is progress. A step forward isn’t a step back. 

Let’s return to that uptick in the stats and acknowledge it’s because of the women in STEM who have refused to tap out. These women persevere and prevail every damn day. And it’s these women who have actualized the shifts and who make it possible for more women to come in the door behind them. And stay.

Women’s resilience inside STEM isn’t some random accident. It’s an alchemy of continuous learning, adaptability, and determination. It’s their will to try and try again. Women in STEM have cultivated a growth mindset and a way to fail spectacularly, allowing them to learn from setbacks. Setbacks that turn into epic comebacks. 

As women rise through the ranks, they’re not just opening up doors for themselves, they’re kicking them wide open for those coming in after them. Women are figuring out how to be leaders without subscribing to the old-boys’-network-way of doing things; we don’t need to be a**holes to lead. We don’t need to whittle away our edges to fit inside their mold. And with women in leadership, they can now play the part of mentor and guide for the next wave of women. 

The current wave of women already on the inside, have grown powerful support networks that are stronger than any old boys’ club ever was. These networks are global sisterhoods. They’re goldmines for advice and opportunities, all while acting like an emotional lifeline.  

What’s the payoff for companies? Well, the smart ones who are looking to up their game, are willing to bet on and invest in these resilient women rockstars. They know that diverse perspectives equate to groundbreaking ideas. STEM develops and prospers by being revolutionary. By including women’s unique perspectives and diverse thinking, innovation thrives. They become the secret sauce to success. 

The companies that are succeeding have leaders who are vulnerable and have a high emotional intelligence and women bring that to the table. Women are all about culture and community. In a world right now that is seeing an increase in the hybrid work model or work-from-home model, people are feeling more siloed. They don’t get a chance to connect. They feel isolated. Mental health issues are on the rise. 

With women leaders, we have a fighting chance to be better at designing a corporate culture that is people-centric, supportive, and inclusive. For far too long the industry as a whole has been focused on money over people. We have to find a way to make every organization people-centric and make money at the same time. And that’s where women come in.

These businesses will not only tap into a rich talent pool but can also better serve their diverse client or customer base. Happy employees, happy customers, happy bottom line. Win-win, right? Satisfied employees, thrilled clients…Can’t you hear the *cha-ching, cha-ching of profits? 

True, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns farting pixie dust. There is no fairy tale with a godmother and some wishes. We can’t just say, “Once upon a time there was a badass woman in STEM who everyone listened to and the company grew by 50% and they all lived happily ever after.” 

There are continued hurdles. Loads of them. But alongside the tale of struggle, we can tell the tale of women’s impenetrable spirit. We can tell the story about how their resilience isn’t just for personal gain, growth, or achievement. They are reshaping industries, making history, rewriting norms, and hoping to erase “male-dominated” and “old boys’ clubs” for good. 

Let’s recognize their resilience, perseverance, and determination. Let’s celebrate the hard-won battles, the progress, and the glass ceiling we’re getting closer to shattering. Because the day that STEM completely embraces women’s power and resilience is the ‘game day’ for evolution. 

Are you a woman executive feeling stuck in a male-dominated industry looking to unleash your resilience, power, and brilliance? Are you sick of being a round peg in a square hole? I’m here to help you drop the act, stop whittling yourself down to nothing, and start awakening the great leader you’re meant to be. Jump on a strategy call


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