Managing people and motivating them to do their best isn’t easy.
And it can be frustrating when you’ve tried everything you know to do, but still feel like your team isn’t performing at their top potential.
The question is – do you know what their top potential is and how to help them reach it?
And, what about you, my friend? Are you tapped into your own secret sauce?
Even if your mad skills helped you migrate all the way to the top of the ladder into management, it doesn't automatically mean you are naturally great at leading others.
A lot of managers get promoted because they’re successful. They’ve got the authority and knowledge about the technical components of their role, but not necessarily the leadership chops that make them effective at empowering their team. Just because you were a great individual contributor doesn’t mean you are going to be a great manager. That’s okay.
Here’s my solution to the problem: Succees with Strengths
A program where leaders learn what great leadership looks like. (HINT: It starts with you discovering your own unique leadership superpowers.)
That’s the first part – learning who you are as a leader and how to show up as that person who empowers all the people around you.
But once you figure out your cape size and color, and what kind of underwear you want to wear over your tights, then we’ve got to uncover your teams’ superpowers.
Not just as a unit, but as each individual.
They’ve each got mad skills too, you know.
Those natural talents that make them super successful (just like you).
Do you know what they are? Have you noticed? Have you tapped into them?
A Culture Based on Each Person’s Strengths (*Enters Stage Left)
What could happen if we focused on what is working with our people rather than fixating on what’s wrong with them? This is where having a culture based on each person’s strengths ends up being the supercharge you need to bring your team to new heights and lift up your business in a single bound.
Natural Strengths = Super Crazy Results
People who focus on using their strengths are *3x more likely to report having an excellent quality of life and 6x more likely to be engaged in their job.
Employees who report using their strengths at work each day are *8% more productive and 15% less likely to quit.
Real improvement happens when people develop, not just discover, their talents. Teams who receive strengths feedback have *8.9% greater profitability.
I know it sounds too good to be true, but I’m not making this stuff up!
(*These statistics are from Gallup)
How do I fit into this equation?
I show leaders how to be masterful, empower their managers, and level up their teams so everyone feels valued, is able to leverage their best skillset, and comes to work with a smile on their faces. With my Success With Strengths 90-day framework, I help break down silos where your top leaders are focused on organizational interests rather than individual gains.
(Remember, because the fish always stinks at the head….)
The manager-employee relationship has become more important than ever.
Just think, for hybrid and remote employees, their managers are the first (maybe only) connection through which they experience their company, which puts a lot more pressure on the manager to show up with greater leadership.
Managers are now the first line of defense in fielding employee concerns and tapping into what’s happening for individual team members,
Effective and empowering managers can make the difference between employees keeping their butts in seats or walking out.
Great leaders make great companies. We need both.
I have a specific approach to the way I work with organizations, and it begins at the executive level because when we build their strengths and leadership skills, they change the culture of the company, their team, and their results.
The best way to customize this framework for your team is to get on a call, so we can discuss your needs.
What results can I expect?
Apart from better leadership and a better culture, you can also expect to see your team transform in whole new ways.
Picture this…
Your team:
→ Starts to value their differences and see new ways to collaborate
→ Becomes THE role model for the rest of the enterprise of what team interactions should look like
Empowers each other, resulting in employees who not only improve their performance but feel part of the larger mission of the organization
Bottom line?
You’ll be hitting the reset button on your company’s culture, resulting in a workplace you love going to in the morning and a team you want to kiss goodnight.
Seriously. Pucker up, Buttercup.
This is the perfect program for you if you want more…
Self-awareness and knowledge about the strengths of others
Tools and practices to build a strengths-based organizational culture
Effective managers who help elevate their employees experience, add more value and make a bigger impact
Understanding how to adopt possible employee well-being options to improve employees' financial, mental, and physical health that may aid in performance and retention
Cultivating a culture of inclusivity and productivity where each member of the team brings their whole self
Increased employee engagement, satisfaction, performance, and productivity, which will be measured through Employee Engagement Surveys
and less of that fishy smell wafting around the office (because you all finally cleaned up the culture.)
Do you want to discover your leadership superpowers and the superpowers of your team?
Jen Coken has been a coach and trainer for nearly 30 years and has coached thousands of leaders in both the public and private sectors.
Her team specializes in using core values work, as well as CliftonStrengths, 5 Dysfunctions of Team, and Emotional Intelligence to create actionable plans that produce transformative results.
These results include leaders excelling at managing others, increasing team productivity, and increasing employee engagement and satisfaction, resulting in an overall increase in profitability.