Disney is Not The Happiest Place on Earth — You Are!

Disney is not the happiest place on earth. You are because only you can cause your own happiness.

So often we assign happiness (or sadness or madness) to forces outside of ourselves – he/she did it to me, that was unfair, that situation shouldn’t have happened.

But you have the power to respond to any situation so even in the worst of times you can choose happiness.

The question I have for you is – what makes you happy?

Have you sat down recently to think about this?

I think that as we age and become more “responsible” we wind up doing things we HAVE TO DO rather than doing things that make us happy.

Or the things that used to make us happy now feel like obligations.

So what makes your heart sing? What fills you up? What makes your toes curl and a giggle escape from you lips?

I found something new that makes me happy. Sitting down by my pool in the sunshine around 4:00pm every afternoon for an hour and kibitzing with my neighbors.

If you’ve met me you know I’m really pale with freckles. I’m not the kind to sit out in the sun for a very long time but I decided in August I should take advantage of the pool (that I rarely go to) and sit down there.

I began to notice how much happier I was after a few days of being in the sun, getting to know my neighbors and simply relaxing.

In the past I never would’ve taken an hour from 4:00pm to 5:00pm to do this because I was not being productive. The kicker? I was way MORE productive after taking that hour for me.

Grab a pen and answer these questions (don’t think about it, just write!)

1.       What I have learned so far about happiness for me is (make a list).

2.       What blocks me from feeling happy is (make a list).

3.       I take ownership of the following blocks to my happiness (make a list).

4.       I need to let go of, or say “No,” to (make a list).

5.       I am thankful for (make a list).

I’d love to hear what you discover about your own happiness. And remember,

Disney is NOT the happiest place on earth. YOU ARE!!


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