Unearthing Your Authentic Power: How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Lead with Confidence

As a senior woman leader in STEM, you likely face unique challenges that test your confidence daily. You might be over-prepared for meetings or reluctant to share your ideas. Sure, you know your insights are valuable yet doubt creeps in. 

Let’s look at this scenario…You grab your things from your desk to head to the conference room. The meeting you’re about to join has been on your calendar for days. You’ve prepared. You’ve got sh*t to say that you’re pretty sure is going to land because it’s just that good. You power walk into the room, ready to blow their minds with your ideas — and then…

Boom. (And not the good kind of ‘boom.’)

You can feel yourself shrinking, getting cold feet. Is that jitters you’re feeling or too much caffeine this morning? Doubts creep in. What if they think I’m too aggressive? What if my idea isn’t good enough?

Just like that you’ve melted into a puddle of hesitation. Sound familiar? Ain’t no shame in it. I’ve been there, too. 

Let me tell you something: That doubt isn’t a weakness. It’s a signal. It’s telling you that you’re on the verge of something extraordinary…IF you’re brave enough to silence the lies and claim your space. Because here’s what I know to be true from decades of executive coaching with women just like you— that voice of doubt in your head isn’t a sign of inadequacy; it’s a signal you’re on the edge of growth.

BOOM! (That’s the kind of boom we’re looking for…) 

Limiting Beliefs Are Just Thieves…All Day and All Night 

Here’s the thing. I know that saying that doubt is a signal of growth doesn’t make it easy to just move it (doubt, that is) to the side and keep chugging along. What can help, or at least get you started, is having a better understanding of its roots. What is creating doubt to manifest?

It’s those nagging voices in your head. The ones whispering, “You’re not ready,” or “Who do you think you are?” These are limiting beliefs. And they aren’t harmless.

They’re thieves. All damn day and all night, they steal your confidence, your voice, and your chance to lead with the authority you’ve worked so hard to earn. Worse yet, they’re in disguise which makes them really hard to spot.

Limiting beliefs are dressed as hard facts, truth. Really, they are just stories. Stories we’ve internalized from past experiences, societal expectations, and even casual comments from people who didn’t believe in us.

Want to know how to dress down this thief and take your authentic power back? Write a new story. But to write a new story, you need to understand where the first one came from and why you believed it. 

Why We Believe Those Lying, Thieving, Limiting Beliefs

First, what is a limiting belief exactly? Limiting beliefs are the subconscious thoughts holding us back. They might sound like I’m not as qualified as my peers, or, If I suggest we do it this way, they’ll think I’m ‘bossy.’ 

These beliefs are ingrained in us over time. They’ve been around awhile. Limiting beliefs don’t just appear out of thin air. They’re reinforced over time by subtle (and not-so-subtle) messages we’ve received:

  • The colleague who interrupted us in a meeting.

  • The feedback that focused on our tone instead of our results.

  • The promotion we deserved but didn’t get.

My personal favorite? The pressure to walk the tightrope (over a pool of hungry sharks surrounded by a ring of fire) between being assertive enough to lead but not so assertive that we’re seen as “too much.”

With this never ending feedback loop that sounds like a buzzer to the “wrong answer,” it’s no wonder we start to fall for those lying, thieving, limiting beliefs. The stories they tell us start to sound convincing! 

But here’s the actual truth: Those moments don’t have to define your worth or your potential

Neuroscience and the P.O.W.E.R. Code to the Rescue 

Allow me to geek out on you for a moment. I’m about to talk about the neuroscience of the brain (which totally revs my science-loving engine.) Here’s the first thing to know: our brains are actually wired for growth. That's what neuroplasticity is all about. Our brains can be rewired through intentional practice. 

Specifically, neuroscience illustrates that the thoughts we repeat– whether they’re on the empowering or limiting side of the continuum– create habits in our minds. Those habits become our beliefs, beliefs that we are CERTAIN are true.

Think of them like a well-walked path, like a trail in the woods that has been created over years of repeated trampling and now nothing else grows there. You’ve now traveled that path so many times, it’s the default route. You don’t even think about going off course to walk other paths so you can weave through the other trees in the woods.  


Good news! With intention and practice, you can blaze your own path. (Which you already know a thing or two or ten about because you’re a brilliant woman leader in STEM!) Consider what it would looks like to formulate a new neuronal pathway in the same way you’ve trailblazed your career.  

Imagine replacing I’m not good enough with My voice matters, and it’s time to use it. Imagine showing up in meetings with confidence that commands attention. Imagine making decisions without second-guessing yourself.

Now we aren’t just talking science, we are talking choice. And the more you choose how to respond differently to the limiting beliefs, the more power you have to rewrite the story, replace the belief, create a new habit. 

This is where my POWER code comes in. This is the ‘formula’ to rewrite those brain patterns. I’m going to give you the skinny version because #1 we’ve got a whole other post just about this code and #2 there’s an entire chapter dedicated to this in my forthcoming book (which you really ought to get a copy of…P.S. you can order it here.

The P.O.W.E.R. Code

Pursue the facts
Own your stories
Witness your thoughts
Embrace a new choice
Reflect on your growth 

Bottom line: when you choose to challenge those no-good, thieving limiting beliefs, something amazing happens: 

  • Your confidence grows bit by bit.

  • You stop waiting for permission to lead and start owning your authority.

  • Your voice becomes a force to be reckoned with that shapes decisions and drives impact. (And dare I say, people sit up, shut up, and LISTEN.)  

This isn’t about faking it or pretending to have it all together. It’s about building a foundation of belief in yourself that no one can shake. Welcome to unearthing your authentic power

Three Steps to Unearth Your Authentic Power

Before I give you the “secret sauce” to unearthing your authentic power, let me tell you about a client of mine, Sarah. Sarah was a VP at a tech company— brilliant, innovative, and absolutely paralyzed by self-doubt. She avoided boardroom discussions because she felt out of her depth.

After working through the steps I’m about to give you, something shifted. She didn’t just speak up—she led the conversation. Within six months, she was tapped to head a new division.

Her ideas weren’t new. Her belief in them was.

So, how do you get to that same place as Sarah? It’s as “easy” as 1-2-3. 

  1. Spot the lies 

  2. Flip the script

  3. Take bold action


Let’s break it down. 

Spot the Lies

In the challenging moments, pay attention to the thoughts that surface, pause, and ask yourself who told me this? Is it true or just fear talking? What would I say to a friend who felt this way?

For example, maybe you avoid speaking up in meetings because you think I don’t want to sound stupid. Challenge that belief. Pause. Ask yourself: when have I sounded stupid before? Chances are, you haven’t, but you’ve convinced yourself to remain silent anyway.

Flip the Script

Write down your limiting belief and now rewrite it as what the actual truth is. For example, I don’t belong here might become I’ve earned my seat at this table. Or, I’m not as good as my peers may actually be My unique perspective is exactly what this team needs.

But don’t just write it down. Don’t just think it. Say it. Say it out loud until it feels real. Tape the new statement to your mirror or make it the background of your computer or your phone. 

Take Bold Action 

Growth only happens when you act. And sometimes you have to act even when you’re terrified. But growth can also happen by starting small. Bold action doesn’t have to be BIG action. So, start small, but start now. Small things could be sharing one idea in your next meeting; setting a boundary you’ve been avoiding; or saying no to something that doesn’t serve your goals. 

Unearth Your Authentic Power and Watch Others Unearth Theirs’

Leadership isn’t about perfection. Not even close. It’s really more about being a human than anyone gives it credit. Leadership is about showing up— doubts, flaws, and all— and owning your space. And every time you challenge those lying, cheating, thieving, no-good limiting beliefs and every time you take action that spits in their face, you’re becoming the leader you’re meant to be.

Now, I want you to write this next part down because it’s incredibly important: stepping into your authentic power is not just about you. It’s about a powerful leadership ripple effect. 

When you lead with confidence, you inspire your team to do the same. When you claim your voice, you open doors for others to follow. When you break through the barriers, you shatter them for the next generation.

This is bigger than just one moment of courage. It’s about creating a legacy. It’s about how things will carry on well after you’re gone. What you do today with these limiting beliefs isn’t just about today, it’s about tomorrow, too. 

So, What’s It Gonna Be? Are You Ready to Unearth Your Authentic Power?

What’s one limiting belief you’re ready to leave behind today? What bold action will you take to unearth your authentic power?

I have at least one suggestion…

If you’re done playing small…

If you’re ready to lead with confidence and impact…

If you’re ready to dismantle your limiting beliefs and unearth your authentic power…

If you’re ready to lead with more authority, influence, and impact…

The Executive Presence Accelerator was made for you.

In this 12-week program, we’ll tackle those doubts head-on. You’ll learn to:

  • Replace limiting beliefs with unshakable confidence.

  • Speak with authority and command attention in every room.

  • Build a leadership legacy that inspires others to rise.

This isn’t just about growth. It’s about transformation.

💻 Learn More and Claim Your Spot Today! 

You are more powerful than you know and it’s time to let those “thieves” know who they’re really dealing with. 


Legacy Leadership is When Your Impact Lasts in Your Absence